Creating Good Writing Habits // Guest Post by Natasha Joy
Hello, dear friend!! *everybody who thought I was for sure dead from the blogosphere* And... I mean, if you did think that, I don't blame you. Cause it's not like I've been particularly active on my blog or anybody else's in the past...five...months... *blinks*. And we won't even talk about the newsletter I haven't sent out yet. I have reasons for not posting and whatnot which I will touch on in my next blog post, but as for right now, let's jump right into today's GUEST POST by my good friend Natasha Joy!! Tasha is such an awesome gal who I hardcore relate to (after all, we do have the same MBTI type) ;) and I am SO EXCITED to use today's post to help announce her new blog which she has just started!! (You should totally go check it out, if you haven't! It's BEAUTIFUL!!! 😍😍😍) That said, let's give a big ole round of applause as I let her take the spotlight! ;P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...