Title Reveal for Kara Swanson's New Book!
Hey hey hey, y'all!!! Have any of you all heard of Kara Swanson? If not, she's an award-winning author and co-founder of the Author Conservatory where she helps writers launch successful author careers. I actually had the honor of meeting her over Facetime once lol, and I have to say she is one of the sweetest people I've ever met! Her books are also AMAZING and I’d highly recommend checking them out! (If you do, here's the link to her GoodReads page with a list of all her books.) That said, she’s actually releasing a new book very soon and today I’ll be sharing the title of it! SO. ARE YOU READY? - - - - - - - Because here... - - - - - - - It... - - - - - - IS!!! Isn’t that such a cool title?!?! 😍😍😍 Ignite will be the first book in a two-book YA Fantasy series about a phoenix girl living in an icy world suffocating beneath a dying sun. Here's an awesome snippet thing about it too. Not only that, but there will also be a COVER REVEAL for the book in December!...