Fairy Tale Central Tag 2020

    Hey, hey, hey, my fellow peeps and friends!!! Yours truly has returned with an exciting fairy tale related post!! My awesome girl, Jen, from her FABULOUS blog Living Outside the Lines was so thoughtful to tag me for Fairy Tale Central's absolutely epic, first ever blog tag from 2020! Thank you so much, Jen!!! 

Here we go!


    We’ve compiled ten fairy tale-centric questions which you can then take, answer on your blog! If you don’t have a blog, you are welcome to answer these on another social media outlet OR answer in the comments! The point is to just HAVE FUN.

    It would be appreciated if you link back to Fairy Tale Central in your post. You're also more than welcome to use the banner, but it's not necessary. 


– What’s an obscure fairy tale you love?

       The Six Swans (a.k.a. The Wild Swans) hands down! This story is soooo drastically sweet and UGH, I just wish it was a wee bit more known. Basically, it's about a girl who chooses to live six years without speaking in order to save her brothers. There's a lot more to it (like false accusations, death sentences, etc.) but the sister's strong loyalty and bond with her brothers is by far my favorite part! You can read the whole fairy tale HERE if you'd like!

– If you got to choose Disney’s next animated princess movie, what fairy tale would you choose to be adapted?

    THE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES!!! Y'all, I'm honestly surprised that they haven't done this one yet. *shakes head* It's really just a shame. XD

– What is the first fairy tale you remember hearing when you were a child? 


    Okay, okay, lemme think. I guess I'll go with Cinderella. Cindy herself as been my favorite Disney princess for literally as long as I can remember, so I'm willing to bet that was one of the earliest fairy tales I heard.

– If you were to embark on a fairy tale quest, what necessities would you pack in your bag?

    Aha! This is gonna be fun...😏I'd pack: A Swiss Army knife, sword, bow and arrows, matches, bottled water, purification tablets, sleeping bag, tent, clothes, shoes, hairbrush, toothbrush with toothpaste, a watch, trading supplies, first aid kit, nature guide ('cause knowing me I'd probably end up killing myself on day one just because I ate the wrong kind of berry or something) XD, rope, riddle book, and a camera.

– What’s your favorite fairy tale trope? 

    Oh boy, this is a toughie. I'd probably go wiiiith the whole sacrifice trope. *shrugs* I'm actually not sure which fairy tales have that besides The Little Mermaid (the real one—not Disney's version 😉) and Beauty and the Beast. But I do remember reading a story Marissa Meyer included in her Stars Above anthology that was a retelling of The Little Mermaid and y'all. MY HEART.

IT WAS JUST SO STINKIN' BITTERSWEET. I must say, it was probably one of my favorite short stories in that book and it SO DEFINITELY tugged on my heart strings. 💛So yeah. Sacrifice is by far one of my favorite tropes also because it's a beautiful reminder of Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross.

– If you could be any fairy tale character archetype (the princess, the soldier, fairy godmother, talking animal, mischievous imp, wise old woman, evil stepmother/sister, etc.), who would you want to be and why? 

    OooOooh, probably the fairy godmother. It would just be SO. MUCH. FUN. granting wishes and helping people, and playing matchmaker (they do that right????) XD and getting to use magic in general!

– What animal/mythical creature would be your sidekick for fairy tale adventures?


    Or this...

    Yeah. Very different creatures. ButILoveThemBothSoDon'tMakeMeChoose. 😐

– What is your favorite historical era, and what fairy tale would you love to see in that setting?

    Well, I'm pretty partial to the 40s/50s era right now and as for the fairy tale.....eheheh, ummmmm....I dunno, I guess Beauty and the Beast??? I feel like a lot of new things were being invented in the 1900s and Beauty's father was kinda like an inventor (or more of a merchant, really) and.... *coughs* yeah, that's all I got. 😶HOWEVER, WWII was happening in the beginning of the 40s so it would be kinda cool to have a war-torn soldier come back all broken and grumpy or something and then he meets Beauty and, well, y'know, the rest is history. 😉(Which, that actually might make a really cool story...*stashes it in the back of brain*) XD

– If you could change a fairy tale's villain into a hero, who would you choose and why?

    Probably Cinderella's stepmother. And I know, she's very mean and just horrible to lil' ole Cindy, but at the same time...it's kind of understandable. Of course, I obviously don't applaud her actions at all or agree with them, but she did lose two husbands and on top of that, had to raise not only her own biological daughters, but also her new step-daughter as well. Just think about how stressful that would be (especially with finances, the thought of having to marry off her daughters who probably didn't have a very big dowry, etc.) So yeah, even though she definitely could've made better choices, I kinda like to imagine what it would've been like living in her shoes and how difficult things might've been. *shrugs*

– Do you prefer fairy tales with happy endings or sad/tragic endings? Why or why not?

    Y'all, I LOVE me some happy endings. Nothin' else to it. Although, bittersweet endings are also okay as long as they don't leave me too depressed afterwards. (Sometimes I actually like them a smidgen better than happy endings 'cause they're more realistic.) But for the most part, if they leave at least some warm and fuzzy vibes at the end, then I'll be as happy as cat soaking in the sun. 

Now I tag...
I hope you enjoyed reading this tag and I'll see y'all next week!!!


Who here likes fairy tales? Which one is your favorite? If you could have a unicorn or a dragon accompany you on an adventure which would it be? Would you choose a different animal? What do you prefer—happy, sad, or bittersweet endings? Which fairy tale would you want Disney to turn into a movie?


  1. *looks through the wonderful tag*
    *little shriek of delight*
    Thank you sooooo much for tagging me!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
    And I totally agree about the 12 dancing princesses!
    *laughs* I agree about the poisoned berries 🤣

    1. Awwww, you're ABSOLUTELY welcome!!!!! I noticed you wanted to do it, so I thought I'd officially tag you so you wouldn't have to "steal" it! ;P
      IKR!?!? They really need to get up their game!
      Hehehehe...it's pretty inevitable in my case. XD
      Have fun with the tag and I can't wait to see your answers!!!

  2. I love fairy tales!!!! I have so. many. favorites. BUT I really like Beauty and the Beast and Rapunzel.
    I would love to have a dragon accompany me, because then if anyone tries to murder me, well... #Barbeque (wow, that was morbid XDD) Also, I could fly on the dragon! (although I'd probably need an oxygen mask to keep from hyperventilating.)
    Give me all da happy endings. With a side of bittersweet. I don't like sad endings at ALL. The first time I read the Little Mermaid, I literally panicked and re-read the ending. Then I realized... *spoiler* yep, she dead. *spoiler over* That was the first depressing fairy tale I'd read. It was like watching your favorite balloon deflate. *sobs*
    I'd have to agree with you: it would be AWESOME for Disney to make a retelling of TDP!! I was looking at different fairy tales earlier, and came across one called "Fitcher's Bird" by the Grimm brothers. DON'T READ IT! *as you probably scurry off to read it* It's very gruesome and... grim. (See what I did there?? *everyone groans* *smirks*)
    Anyways, I really enjoyed this post!! *high-five*

    1. YESSS, girl!!!! Lol, I totally agree with ya on that one! There are so many good fairy tales, but B&B and Rapunzel are two of my favorites!
      Aahahahaha!!!! A dragon would be PERFECT for that! XDD Oh, yum, a barbeque—don't forget to invite me! (KIDDING, KIDDING. Y'all, don't take me seriously on that. O.O Well, *cough* for THAT kind of barbeque at least. Normal barbeques are awesome!) XP Lolol, yeeaah, don't want you to pass out from oxygen loss up there. XD
      *High-fives* Same, sis! Wait, really!?!? Girl, that's hilarious!!! X'D I was pretty shocked myself to find out that lil' ole gal was dead. *sighs and shakes head* That's whatcha get for making risky deals with sea witches only so you can chase after your dream dude. ;P Hehehehe, buh-bye balloon indeed! XDD
      WOULDN'T IT THOUGH!?!?! Like, we need to get a petition goin' or something like that! (Ya hear that Disney!?!) XD Ah yes. Fitcher's Bird. After hearing about the chopped up ladies and stuff, I actually think I'll pass on that one...XD Well, maybe. I've read some other pretty *cough* grim Grimm stories before so perhaps I could take it. ;) (Hah! *smirks with you* Yeah, I saw what you did there.) XD
      D'awwwww THANK YOU, dear!!! *high-fives you back* I know it probably wasn't the most exciting post, but I'm glad you liked it!!! :D <333

  3. I LOVE The Six Swans!! That's such a great fairy tale!! I read it when I was young and have loved it every since. I agree with you, I wish that was more known! Also, I'm surprised they haven't done the Twelve Dancing Princesses either!! I hope to be a movie director (and author!!! 😉) so maybe I can make you a Twelve Dancing Princesses movie! XD XD

    YOU ARE SO SO SMART!! Literally half the things you packed into your bag I wouldn't have thought of. If I had to bring someone along with me for a fairy tale journey, I would bring you 'cause you could remember everything we would need! XD And I would need a best bud for the adventure! *high fives*

    Being a fairy godmother would be SO fun!! I can totally see you doing that! And yes, I would bring along both of those creatures!!!!!

    Okay, girl, you are gonna be a best-seller with that idea! I would totally read that book! *winks* YOU ARE SO SWEET!! You picked the perfect answer to that question. I would totally change Cinderella's step mother into a good guy too! BRILLANT!

    Thank you so much for the tag, Victoria! I really need to get you a nickname! XD I can not wait to do it and respond to all the questions! *squeals*

    Happy endings ARE the best!! On that note, let me end this comment with candy and chocolate!!!
    And they all lived

    1. *Gasps* YEESSS!!!! Another Six Swans fan!! *high-fives* Girl, you're tellin' me! Don't know how they missed that one! XD OooOooh!!!! YES, YES, YES!!!! Being a movie director would be so cool and, lemme tell ya, if you made a 12DP Disney movie I'd be the first person in line at the theater to see it! XD (I've actually thought of being a script-writer before, so maybe I could even help write it!) ;P

      D'awwww, why thank you very much, mademoiselle! *bows while wondering why I started using French terms* XD Ahahahaha!!! Girl, you and I would rock a fairy tale journey!! Well, you would at least...it seems like I remember things, but in reality we'd probably be hiking through a forest and I'd end up saying something like, "OH NO. I forgot the bug spray!" XD Awww, girl, you'd be the best adventure buddy ever!!! *high-fives you back*

      It would, wouldn't it!?!?! Seriously though, a unicorn and a dragon would be the best travel companions ever!

      Awwwww, well I dunno about thaaat...*sheepish grin while secretly nodding in agreement* XD Ooooh, I guess I'll have to get a start on it then...*winks back* Awww, thanks!!! Yeah, some villains just deserve another chance. ;)

      Girl, you are sooo absolutely more than welcome!!!!! I was really hoping you would do it, so it makes me excited seeing you excited!!! XD Lolol, hey you can call me whatever you'd like!! (Just as long as it's not Vicki—I don't have anything against the name itself, but I just don't prefer it on me.) ;P But seriously, I'm good with V, Vic, Tori, Toria, Ria, the Vickster (yeah, I call myself that sometimes) XD or anything else! *squeals with you* I can't wait to see it!!!!!

      OH YUM!!! *eats candy and chocolate* XD Awwwww, girl, that's the best kind of ending to a comment ever!!! ;) <333

  4. GAAAH THIS IS SUCH A COOL TAG IDEA!! And I love the way you answered it, Victoria. *applauds*

    1. ISN'T IT THOUGH!?!?! D'awww, thank you so much!!!! If you want to do it, I'd LOVE to see your answers!!! :D

  5. Oh being a fairy godmother would be so cool. :) I loved reading your answers. :D

    1. Wouldn't it though!?!?! Why thank you very much! *bows dramatically* ;P


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