Ch. 3: The Time I...Was Eaten by a Balloon—Literally
The other day, I was thinking, "You know what, self? It sure has been a while since I did an installment in my 'The Time I...' series. I'd say it's about time for another one!" Actually, now that I'm looking at my blog post dates, it's only been, like, two months, but WHATEVER. Here we are again with the story behind... Once upon time (as in a few years ago), a family we know asked if my parents could serve in their church's children's ministry during VBS week. Being the good samaritans my parents are, they eagerly said yes! (Well, I'm assuming they did it eagerly—I actually don't remember their response. *coughs*) EITHER WAY, by doing this, my parents were going to be out almost every night that week and since my sisters and I were too young to stay home by ourselves (I think we were, like, 11 and 12???) we actually got to attend some of the VBS programming at the church. And THIS...was when my fate was tested in the stomach...