Know the Novel Part 3: Words Written

 So, I know I said I'd have to stop cutting it close with posting this on the last Know the Novel day, buuut it seemed like a tradition already, y'all. XD And no, it totally doesn't have to do with the fact that I was finishing this post today... But let's stop this jibber-jabber and dive in! ('Cause I really don't know what else to say. *coughs*)

How did writing this novel go all around?

    I'd say really well! I wanted to get a bit more done this month (which I kinda did) but that didn't happen as much as I hoped. Still, I'm pretty content with the amount of words I've been able to write!

Did it turn out like you expected or completely different? And how do you feel about the outcome?

    Oh, DEFINITELY completely different! I wasn't expecting several new plot threads to weave their way in the story (thanks Silas...and Jarrell) 😑 but mostly, I thought I would be able to get to the..."pre-climax" (I know that's not a thing, but it's the best I could come up with) where Silas has the Big Moment™ in which he turns into a villain. That obviously didn't happen 'cause I realized I would need to add a lot more scenes between the beginning that turning point (oh yeah, that's the right term for it...) XD for this novel to be at least 80,000 words. Hah, the thought of it even getting that far makes me laugh. So a lot more brainstorming and scene adding happened which I didn't think I would have to do. (As you can see, this is ultimate proof that I am a plantser and if I tried to wing it as just a panster I would utterly fail.) XD

What aspect of the story did you love writing about the most? (Characters, plot, setting, prose, etc.)

    I'd say the plot! I've never written a story like this one before so, even though I haven't gotten to the part yet that I'm really looking forward to writing, it's been very interesting and I'm having to learn how to take an "innocent" character and use his troubles, emotions, and flaws to twist them into the villain that will (hopefully) be hated. XD (I guess that would kinda be a mix of plot and characters though).

How about your least favorite part?

I think not.

    If you had asked me that last month, I would have said EvErYtHiNg. But now...I kinda like all of it. (Even the setting which I'm getting better grips on.) If I have to choose something though, I suppose I'll go with the prose. Like I mentioned in Know the Novel Part 2, I've been having to write more formally which is pretty hard and I keep catching myself using very informal words. XD

What do you feel like needs the most work?

    ALL OF IT. Yeah, I know, 5 seconds ago I was saying I loved writing everything about it, but at the same time, I KNOW it can be so much better. But that's what first drafts are for. *shrugs* You spit incoherent words out and then clean it all up with the second draft. 😉So, I'm not gonna worry about what needs to be better right now...I'm just gonna focus on finishing it. (Actually I probably will worry and get frustrated and threaten death upon all my characters and then print out all the pages just to have the luxury of burning them, but Imma try to stay positive for the moment.) XD

How do you feel about your characters now? Who's your favorite? Least favorite? Anyone surprise you? Give us all the details!

    So, I know I didn't show much love for my characters in the last Know the Novel post but they've been treating me MUCH better and, even though I still don't like Evander (whose to blame there, though...I mean, he is an antagonist), I'm starting to love Silas a lot more (and am even more excited to ruin his life) PLUS just today I introduced a NEW character who totally surprised me (and sparked some tempting ideas that *may* be making me consider turning this into a series even more). Don't you just love it when characters do that? I'm especially excited about this new gal 'cause she also may end up being a Sarcasm Queen and I haven't gotten to write many characters like that. XD (Fun Fact: She was actually the baddie in a completely different story I began working on a few years ago and dropped, but now that I'm bringing her back in this story (with several tweaks of course) I'm now thinking of ways to tie that old book into this possible new series that includes Before the Flames and Between the Lines!)


What's your next plan of action with this novel?

    That's really it, y'all. It would be the biggest accomplishment ever if I could actually finish this novel, so that's definitely one of my goals for 2022!

If you could have your biggest dream realized for this novel, what would it be?

    Get it published. XD (Which I'm 99% sure is what every writer says.) 😉

Share some of your favorite snippets!

    Oh boy, y'all, here we go again. (Don't hold your breath for anything awesome.) XD


    Snippet 1 (i.e. An Awkward Dinner Discussion with the In-Laws):

It hadn’t taken even ten minutes for the discussion to immediately get tense when Mr. Hullwin brought up the topic of wizardry…and subtly criticized it. Silas was pretty sure he did that just to spite his father. He could feel increasing embarrassment from Melina who sat beside him and was sure she felt the same humiliation from him. But he and his fiancee kept their mouths shut. Silas didn’t want to get on the bad side of his to-be father-in-law and decided to let his father and Evander do all of the defending.

“But what of this invasion of sisters I’ve heard about?” Mr. Hullwin asked with an accusing eye. “Is this something your band of wizards will actually be able to stop?”

Bentley shifted in his chair and pursed his lips. “We will most certainly try.”

“I don’t think ‘try’ is enough if they are a major threat to Sunderheim as I’ve been told.”

“And who exactly are you hearing this from?” Evander leaned forward and cast his own stern, rivaling gaze towards Melina’s father. “Because if anyone is feeding the public lies about situations that the Ring has under complete control, then if you would be so kind as to give us some names, I will be more than happy to straighten these people out.”

 Mr. Hullwin lightly stroked his dark, bushy beard and rested his elbow on the back of the chair. “I’m afraid I can’t give you specific names, Evander. And even if I could, I probably wouldn’t. I’m merely hearing this news from rumors.” He smiled as if addressing a youngling and tilted his head. “I’m sure you know how quickly speculation can spread around these parts.”

“Yes, yes, Mr. Hullwin, we are.” Bentley hastily replied for Evander. “But, as my son said, we have the situation under control. In fact, we’re already coming up with a solution to it at the moment, so there’s no need to worry.” 

“Really? And what kind of solution is that?”

“I’m afraid that information must remain confidential to avoid rumors, as you understand.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that you magic men are on top of it for once,” Mr. Hullwin mumbled.

Evander’s expression darkened. “I beg your pardon, but I’m very certain that we have ‘been on top of it’ more than once. I myself am even experimenting with a back-up plan in case the one we currently have doesn’t work.”

Say what? Silas shot his gaze to Evander in confusion and his father seemed just as bamboozled.

“What are you talking about?” Bentley asked, his brow furrowing. “I never gave you permission to do such a thing.”

Evander flashed that annoyingly confident smile of his which never failed to charm the ladies. “It’s nothing to get upset about, Father. As I said, it’s just my own little experiment. I had actually been working on it for my presentation during the Selection before the news about the Sisterhood was released. I simply discovered yesterday that it could possibly be another way to get rid of those witches.”

Yesterday? Silas narrowed his eyes. That was the day after Father had given him full control over the Rose project. What a coincidenceSilas bit into his pandemain with a little too much aggression. He’d have to keep a closer eye on his brother from now on. It would be disastrous if Evander’s Mystery Experiment took the spotlight at the Selection instead of the Rose.


Snippet 2 (i.e. The Infamous Introduction to My New Favorite Character):

The witch on the left stepped forward until she was only a few paces away from Silas, Evander, and Bentley. She frowned, making a puckered face at the trio as if surveying them with pity.

“Why, if it isn’t the Wizard Supreme,” she cooed at Silas’ father. “So powerful yet so powerless when it comes to the presence of the Sisterhood.”

Bentley merely glared, a wise choice, Silas figured, knowing what his father’s fate would be if he retorted.

She tilted her head with mock confusion. “Well? Aren’t you going to say hello? Even introduce these other two dashing friends of yours?” 

Silas let out a muffled snort, already peeved by her sarcasm. As if she could even see what he and Evander looked like with their cloaks swaddling half their faces.

An unnatural smile creeped across the witch’s pale face revealing two straight rows of pearly whites. “Not in the mood to talk? All right then, I suppose I’ll begin. Once upon a time, a group of fairies were banished from their homeland due to mere radical ideas that they were being persecuted for. This group was led by Coradine Withers and she, bless her soul, decided to find a home for her followers here in your measly earthen realm. But oh dear me,” the woman paused, and cast a puppy-eyed look to them, “it turned out humans weren’t exactly hospitable either. In fact, they were just as discriminating as the fairies. More so, however, they attacked Coradine’s group and an evil bunch of wizards killed them.”

Her face darkened at Bentley. “But, as I said before, even the Wizard Supreme at the time wasn’t powerful enough to permanently terminate them, and now I, Malia Withers, direct ancestor of Coradine Withers herself, stand here before you as proof of that.”

She smirked, her eyes glistening like a ruby, and a mix of worry and dread dropped like a stone in Silas’ stomach. The woman, or Malia rather, sniffed and stared at them expectantly for a moment. “My speech is over. You can applaud now.”

Did you glean any new writing and/or life lessons from writing this novel?

    ABSOLUTELY. For one, I learned that if you wanna write you have to make time, not find it. Or else that dream novel of yours is most likely never gonna get done. And two, writing villain backstories is HARD. XD That might not be the case with some writers, but for me, I never knew how difficult it was to give your average Joe such a big motive and turning point to become a villain. I'm pretty sure that's definitely one of the hardest character arcs out there.

So YEAH, there we have it! The last post for Know the Novel! (AND My LaSt PoSt FoR 2021.) O.O I kinda feel like I should wrap this up with some elaborate conclusion and all but...I don't think I will. (Y'all have heard me talk enough already.) XD Instead, I'll just say, see y'all in '22 and I hope everyone has a happy New Year! 😉


    Is anyone besides me surprised that year is over already? Does anyone have special plans to celebrate the new year? What's something YOU'VE learned in the past 12 months (writing related or not) that has changed the way you think, act, live, etc.? Does anyone have certain resolutions or changes you want to make this upcoming year (maybe with your writing)?


  1. I hope you had a Happy New Year's, Victoria! :)
    I get the feeling of the story going in a completely different direction than you planned, I had that happen with mine...And to say the least it is interesting. XD

    Also your WIP sounds awesome! :) I've enjoyed learning about the characters, and hope to learn more about them in the future.

    1. Awww, thank you so much!!! I hope you did too!
      IKR!?!? It's crazy how our stories seem to have a mind of their own...XD

      AHHH!!! THANK YOU!!!! Haha, don't worry, I'm sure y'all will end up hearing about more them again! ;)

  2. Hi, Victoria! Your WIP sounds epic! Witches in a story always make things so fun and interesting... and on a completely different note, I love that you have a character named Silas. XD

    1. Awww, thank you so much Joy!!! Haha,'s interesting that's for sure. XD Ahhhhh, thank you! XD Yeah, I always thought Silas would be a cool/funny name to use (especially for a villain). ;P

  3. I'm sooo happy you joined in the last part of Know the Novel and shared this goodness with us!!! That's wonderful to hear it's been going better. I hope it continues to! It just sounds SO SO fun. Those snippets toootally had me hooked. Now I'm curious what Evander is up to. >.> And MALIA. Oh my goodness gracious, she sounds like a RIOT. I love it. XD

    I loved all your thoughts in the final question. I have definitely learned that time doesn't magically appear to write a novel...unfortunately. Eheh. Finding time to write has always been a struggle for me and I feel like I'll forever be trying to perfect that balance. But one day at a time, yeah?

    Thank you again for joining Know the Novel and sharing about your epic novel with us! I do hope finishing it goes well. And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you have a blessed and beautiful 2022, Victoria. <333

    1. Awwww, me too Christine!!! (Just in the nick of time, as well!) ;P THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! (Lol, he's a suspicious little guy...) XD MWAHAHA YES I'm enjoying her way too much! XD

      Absolutely one day at a time! That's actually one my goals for 2022--make writing consistent and turn it into a (hopefully) daily habit! But yes, I think it will always be a struggle for me too even if I manage consistency. (But hey, that's just another way to grow in our writing!)

      You're so welcome!!! Thank YOU for hosting it!!! Awwww, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too!!! And thank you so much, Christine! I hope you have an amazing one as well (and I can't wait to see where our friendship goes in '22!) ;) <33


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