A Flash of Magic Cover Reveal

    As you can see from zee title, I'll be taking part in another cover reveal today!! (I know, I feel like that's the only thing I've been doing lately, but trust me I am pulling together other types of content. *noddy-nod* So many awesome new books are coming out recently though, so I couldn't pass up the chance to help promote another one!) ;P 
    I'm particularly excited for this book because it's a collection of short stories following three books in the Tales of Ambia series! And if you haven't read the Tales of Ambia YOU ARE MISSING OUT. Each novel is a fairy tale re-telling that highlights the wildly hilarious adventures of a fairy named Burndee and YOU GUYS he's such a fun, grumpy, cinnamon roll, I can't even. I'm tellin' ya, these books will have you rolling on the ground in sTiTcHeS. (I even remember reading the first book, The Reluctant Godfather, while brushing my teeth once, and had to stop because I was going to spit the toothpaste out from laughing so hard. Needless to say, I don't risk doing that anymore.)
    So aNyWaY, what am I doing just blabbering away about this cover reveal? We need the details.


Ambia’s most reluctant godfather is back. A Flash Of Magic is a magical and rambunctious compilation featuring eight stories with eight irresistible characters navigating their way through the oddities and the wonders of fairy tales.

The Tales of Ambia series continues with this charming collection of short stories and novelettes offering a deeper look into a magical land like no other.

Whether it’s an intimate look at Ella’s wedding day, a hilarious glimpse of Burndee’s holiday baking, or an explosive first meeting between a prince and his fairy, there is adventure for everyone in 
A Flash Of Magic.

Release Date: SEPTEMBER 16, 2022!!!


A Flash of Magic!!!

Isn't it so pretty?!

And here it is with all of the other book covers as well!

    I think Allison has done a wonderful job with the color coordination in this series and making it feel very fairy tale-ish don't you think? 😍 

    So that's about it, folks!! Keep your eyes peeled for A Flash of Magic to be released on September 16th OR you can go ahead and pre-order it now right HERE! I hope you lovely beans have a fabulicious day and thanks for reading!!

Have you read any books in the Tales of Ambia series? If so, which was your favorite? Are you excited for A Flash of Magic? Have you ever read something so hilarious that you've almost spit toothpaste out? Or choked on food...or got weird looks? XD

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  1. I NEED TO READ THESE!!! I feel like I should totally buy all the books and read them out loud to my sisters if their that funny. XD (and bonus since they're super short bc my sisters don't like me reading a book for too long. XD) *deletes comment accidentally* i did that on Emma's blog, learned my lesson, and copied this one. XDD I've never laughed out loud before but i have hidden a chuckle. XD mostly cause cute guys make jokes..... *clears throat* Anyway, *listens to a sneak peek of a song on repeat and hopes the dude doesn't ever find this comment somehow* (you can find that sneak peek somewhere on Insanityx4 (girls who eat carrots) somewhere up on the chat... XDDDD) This is getting weird.... ummm..... I might've gotten weird looks reading but again, i try to conceal my emotions... XDDDD cause then my family would want to read the page and i'd have much explaining to do. XD and the smiling usually means some cute scene and i don't really want that read aloud to my sisters bc then they'd never stop quoting it. XDD Anyway, I gotta set aside 10 bucks for the first book sometime! lol bye!! *vanishes because Gollum REALLY needs to go annoy Emma Styles real soon* *cackles* Ohh... I need to create someone to annoy you. *thinks* Yeah, ima talk to ur sisters to see what ur scared of. XD HAPPY TODAY BC I DON"T KNOW IF YOU WANT THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWING BUT HAPPY TODAY!! XD

    1. YES YOU DOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ooooooh Imma tellin' ya, your sisters would LOVE the books!!!! (Yeah they really are short! I think I read one of them in one to two days.) XD Oof, good catch!! I hate it when I delete comments *scowls* Copy & Paste to the rescuuueee!!! Lolll, "cute guys make jokes" AMEN SISTER!! XD *knows exactly which sneak peek song you're talking about cuz although I'm terrible at keeping up with Insanityx4 in the moment, I'm a rockstar when it comes to loyally catching up on the previous discussions* *is also a rockstar at run on sentences* *cackles* Ah YES. *sings* Conceal don't feel, don't let them knoooooooOOOOOOoooooOOOOooooow...... XDDD Ick, yeah I gotcha. Explaining books to parents can be so awkward-o sometimes. XD YES SET ASIDE THOSE 10 BUCKS. Or better yet...*gives you 10 bucks myself* NOW GO BUY IT. I'M PRETTY SURE PEOPLE ACCEPT VIRTUAL MONEY THESE DAYS. XDDD Lolll buh-byeeee! #bringonthegollum #annoyemmastyles4eva #immastartcallingherthataroundthehouse OH GOSH NO. AAAUGHH RYLIE PLEASE DON'T!!!! XDDD AWWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH GIRLIE!!!!!!!! *super big hugs* (And thanks for being secretive hehehe!!) ;P

  2. Wow! Ya know, I was expecting something along the lines of crazy magic or something like that, but I really like this cover! It makes it look so simple and pretty!
    Oooo! That release date is soo close! Congrats Allison! 4 books!
    Haha, that hunger games GIF seems even more hilarious since I just finished re-reading that series today.
    I have never spit out my toothpaste but I have laughed or almost choked on food while reading. I think getting funny looks when you crack a smile at a book is part of a reader's creed.

    1. GIRL I WAS TOO!!! I mean, I didn't expect anything *too* wild cuz I knew she wanted to stick to the theme, but YES I absolutely LOVE the simplicity of it!
      IT IS!!!! *jumps up and down* Yessss a HUGE congrats to her! (I can't imagine writing four books when I haven't even finished one.) XDD
      Oh my goodness, that's too awesome!! (And ironic!!) XD
      YESSSS!!! Like for real though!! *laughs* I love how you called it "reader's creed". That's just SO SO true (and I'm so using that phrase from now on)! XD
      (Also thanks for the comments, girl!!! *super big hugs* They totally made my day!)

    2. You have my permission to use my absolutely stunning phrase😏😉
      yw! I have been gone a while but I try to comment when I can. I went to summer camp in July and since then I have been busy. I just finished emptying my inbox. I had around 30ish blog posts to read😅

    3. YAAAAY!!! XD
      Awww no problem girl! I get it! OoooOooh that's awesome!! I hope you had a fun time! Oof, I wish I had the courage to empty my inbox...it's scary full. XD *croaks* 30 BLOG POSTS!?!? Good for you!! I know I wouldn't have that much dedication. XD

    4. 🤣
      It was a darn good time.
      Well, Well, Well, I actually did finish cleaning my inbox. It was quite satisfying😁😏
      Haha, it was more posts than that by the time I was done, not to mention the posts in my reader on WordPress😨 I prevailed though and now I am all caught up. (mostly😇)

    5. I'm glad to hear!! :D
      Oh good! GIRL YES. It really is SOOOOO satisfying to clean out inboxes!! XD
      LOLOL oof I forgot about the Wordpress reader...that's a lot!! But good job for catching up! ;P


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