
Showing posts from May, 2021

Time is Precious—So Make the Best of It

       I...don't really know who Harvey Mackay is. I googled him and apparently he's this businessman/columnist/author person, but the thing that stuck out to me about him the most was this quote he said on his Facebook page several years ago. (You can read it above.) 😉The reason why this quote impacted me so much was because it's true. Time really is precious and once it's lost you can't ever get it back again.        I feel like in today's culture, many of us (including myself) waste time and don't use it for God. Instead, we often think about what we have to do in this amount of time, by that hour, or before those deadlines. And this isn't completely a bad thing. It's life and God gave us things to do to live out the time we have on this earth. (Or else, the word "boring" would get a whole new definition!) 😉However, it does become a bad thing when we get so caught up in our schedules and push God out of our lives, not finding enough t...

Ch. 1: The Time I...Became a Wannabe Legolas (Feat. My Very First Archery Lessons)

    You know that feeling when you want something SOOOOOO bad and it takes forever to convince your parents to let you have or do that? Well that was for me with archery.     And it took me a year to persuade them to let me try it out.      It all started in the Fall of 2019 with the famous Katniss Everdeen. Wait, wait. Nope, it was even farther back. It REALLY all started a several years ago with a good ol' episode of LEGO Friends . (Not that I expect anyone to recognize that show--I barely even remember the name of it myself.) XD BUT ANYWAY. I think I was 10 or 11 at the time, and I remember watching one episode where Olivia and her friends went to a summer camp.      And they did archery.     And I was jealous.      Of them. I was jealous of ANIMATED LEGO PEOPLE WHO WENT TO A MAKE BELIVE SUMMER CAMP.  The pure absurdity of it is *slightly* humiliating. But eventually, my 11 year old Dory brain completely ...

Reflections Tag

     I'm BAAAACK!!! *slides in with a grand entrance* Sorry this post is, like, a week late (or is it???). As you can see, I'm still trying to figure out a stable blogging schedule. XD (And with school wrapping up, life's been slightly crazy.) But hopefully I'll have consistent posts coming in by 2076. Kidding, kidding, not really.  (Fun fact: I just realized that America will be 300 years old that year...and I'll be in my 70s.) XD     But ANYWAY. Enough of my rambling and unnecessary history lessons. Today, my good friends, I'll be sharing another FABULOUS TAG!!!!! This one is SUPER awesome because I was officially tagged for the first time by the AMAZING, ONE AND ONLY Joy Caroline!!! You can conveniently find her awesome blog  HERE ! I'm nice like that.  XP Yes, I was inspired to make a graphic too, after seeing JC and Grace A. Johnson do one! 😉       Here are La  Rules: Thank the person who tagged you (Thank you again,...